Logic Laws

Logic Laws (Part 2)

In our previous lesson we have talked about four Laws that can make our complex formulas into simple ones. Now, we will discuss the other two laws.

Let's straightly start with Distribute Law.

  • 5) Distribute Law

Here it is the same as saying: 3 * (1 + 2) is equal to (3 * 1) + (3 * 2). By the way, the rule is the same when we change the connectives.

  • 6) Absorption Law

❗Remember: In order this formula to be true both left propositions have to be the same.

Let's finish this series of Laws with the example for one of the abovementioned Laws:

To conclude, we have 6 laws that makes our complex tasks easy: Identity, Domination, Double Negation, DeMorgan's, Distribute and Absorption.

I hope it was helpful 😊.

Written by Asadulloh Rakhimov